
Transforming operations into Profit mills


Why Engage Us?

Every business is unique and the effectiveness of a business rests on its operations, an efficient operation is a guarantee of an effective profitable business.

We start with first assessing the status, benchmark it with international best practices and setting targets with roadmap for profitability and overall success by optimizing the business processes efficiencies and maximizing the output, using lean and six sigma methodologies ensures a sustainable growth of your business.

We push you to the best you can be and we refuse to accept anything less for you and your business. Your commitment will be a key element in success, we will be part of your team at your site and will initiate and complete the transformation with whatever is need of the business to be in the ranks of the most profitable companies in the business today.

Book a free one hour phone consult. Call 403-402-9444


Operational Excellence:


If any one of the following questions have “NO” as an answer means your systems and processes are hidden profit eaters, give us a chance to assess and report where and what are the losses.

  • Is your CORE capability studied and aligned with your vision, mission, and strategy?
  • Do you have a sales and marketing plan with clear targets aligned to your business needs?
  • Is your operational efficiency optimum and comparable to average standard?
  • Do you always achieve budget targets?
  • Is your customer satisfied and can you measure customer satisfaction?
  • Does your KPIs provide enough information on organizational health?
  • Do you have a good process/product flow without bottlenecks?
  • Do you have a quality program which yields a continuous improvement?
  • Is your equipment’s overall efficiency measured and optimized?
  • Do you have an inventory control plan and process?
  • Is your supply chain streamlined for cost effectiveness?
  • Do you have a process audit system?
  • Do you have a performance management system?
  • Do you check achieved results in comparison of your targets?
  • What processes do you have in controlling the variations?